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We are a Mythical RPG. Using HTML, and play by post style to bring you out of your world into ours. You can explore the realm of Fae, Dragons, Shifters, and Shamen.

    Species/Social Referance page


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    Join date : 2015-10-18

    Species/Social Referance page Empty Species/Social Referance page

    Post by Nyx Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:42 pm

    Physical Appearance:
    Skin tones may vary in any range, along with eye shape and color. Though their hair has always mantained its human qualities. Their ears on the other hand have extended, the longer they are the longer the Fae has lived, always they end with a point. The Drow have obtained fangs, and their skin has developed tattoo like patterns. Not all Fae/Drow are beautiful, but normally they are taller then the average human.

    (The drow is a variant of the Fae, these creatures have taken to meat, and blood needing to find nutrition outside the land caused by its rejection of them.)

    Fae can manipulate elements, plants or animals do to their connection with the earth. Though they do not live forever they have a average life expectancy of 500 years. They have empressive battle skills, their strength, speed, and intellegance exceeding that of their ancestors. The Drow even though they do not hold the ability to manipulate elements, have found a new method of power. Through posession, unless royalty Fae/Drow can only learn one aspect of a element in their life time. It takes great concentration and developement for a skill to succeed.

    Typically Fae only produce one child in their lifetime. If they are lucky, though most go without. A few may have twins, or a second child later in life on occasion, though normally most end up being miscarried or still born.

    Physical Appearance
    Though very human in their appearance. There is always one thing that subtly changes them, and thus acknowledging that they do not belong in the human realm. Be it hair, eyes, or occasionally a tattoo. Their skin tones remain human. Though Warlocks are known to have a more ashy appearance then your average shaman, due to the dark arts they use. Sometimes depending on the extent they practice the dark arts, their teeth begin to rot as well.

    Though they may live the average life span of a human, and have the average heigth of a human. Shamen are not to be underestimated. With incantations and spell work These people can grow to be extremely powerful, though training may take a few decades. Watch out for their strength remains day or night. Their one weakness being the removal of the tallisman they were gifted as babes.

    Shamen have babies just like humans, though they grow up a little faster. The average shaman can have up to 8 kids in their lifetime. Though most stick to roughly 3.

    Physical Appearance:
    These creatures look like any other human around. Okay maybe they are a little more scruffy... and bad smelling, but hey at least they are built, like a house. Tall? Hell yea, even the Fae seem short these these guys. They can shift into any one animal, though during the day they are weaker due to the heat. All that extra fur you know, yes Syriens included.

    Well as mentioned above, they shift. Into animals, or Syriens. These creatures live longer than humans, though not immortal, life expextancy is roughly 200 years, give or take 50. With quick healing powers, they dont stay injured for long.

    It depends on what they shift into. They have have anywhere from 1-6 even eigth on rare occasion at a time. And ussually they have litters often. Reproducing has never been an issue with this creature. Babies remain as the shifted creature until they reach five or six when they can learn to control it.

    Physical Appearance
    These are truly intimidating creatures. Scaly skin, and leathery wings, they range in irradecent colors of all nature. With eyes of a snake, the dragon is the fiercest appearance of all. Each toe marked with an ivory claw, a horn placed on each vertibrea down the spine, their appearances vary amongst themselves. Hardly ever will you find one looking the exact same. Though all imposing beauty none the less.

    Of course they breathe fire, but also their voices are spoken in your mind, rather than your ear. Proud creatures, they must have sun to reguvenate themselves. The better the light the more they can absorb, just like lizards. Though these may be the only truly immortal creatures in the whole of Tyran, they live to be almost a thousand years old.

    It is nearly impossible to successfully hatch a dragon egg. Normally it takes 2-3 years for it to hatch, if it does at all. Every Dragon tries, but only one mother is successful within a year.


    These creatures, normally stay in their own borders, in their own castes. Castes are seperated by, Royalty, Court, Commoners, and Drow. Now Royalty can be found mingling in the Court Caste, but its the Courts Caste that generally keeps the order amongst the other Castes thus they have the most involvement over all.

    Once established a Drow, not even the commoners will mingle with you. As a Drow you may find that rejection from the outside world also occurs. No one likes a blood sucker after all. Normally keeping company with their own, the Drow can be considered a violent version of the gentle Fae. More often then not, Drow are put to work as common soldiers, or slave laborers. Though if a child of a Drow proves him/herself worthy of being called Fae, the Fae may accept them as the redeeming quality of their parents. Allowing the child to resume their parents place in society, they must renounce the Drow parent to prove their loyalty.

    Though rigid in their rules, The Fae have proven to be a gentle and polite society.

    Customs involving marriage are some what odd considering their rigid society. Ordinarially they will ask the father, paying a large sum for what the bride is worth. After which a two week procession occurs where the brides father celibrates by posing feasts and entertainment, and the groom takes part. If he is pleased at the end of this the bride and groom will preform a ceremony where the two bind themselves to each other by means of blood letting. This is the only time that the consumption of blood is accepted into their fabrication of rules. Believing that comsuming each other's blood creates a erivocable bond between the two, afterwards they find that mind communication is possible, but only if the marriage is consumated the same day in the bedroom. If this elabrate process is not completed, then traditionally the mind communication does not occur.

    Now being a very errotic race, the Fae often take more than one partner, more likely then not bi-sexual in their choices, they share all partners with all other partners. Though they can only bond with one Fae in their lifetime.

    The court consists of the royal counsil, extended royal family, and high ranking officials. The working class falling under commoners are never welcomed into the court caste. Drow being the lowest caste are slave laborers, or foot soldiers. Working for housing and food. Maybe a extra coin for clothing once in a while as well.

    This is the most human race there is in Tyran. If you know human customs then you know Shaman customs. People that use the dark arts are called warlocks, and contact with these are forbidden.

    Though, the only exception to these humans, is they are prone to magical abilities. They ussually only have time to develope one gift in a lifetime, when they are born the witch doctor comes and tells the parents what path to guide the child down. After that, it is the parents, or communities, in special cases, responsibility to fulfill the prophecy given to the child at birth.

    The Shifter society is very different from the Fae. You could say that these two, are at apposing ends of the spectrum. Which would explain why the two never got along. Very laid back in their customs, they welcome almost anyone. Though nagativity is looked down on by this conglomeration, it is not a reason for shunning.

    Were's or the shunned Shifters, are those that have commited treason, felonies, or disloyalty to their clans. One of the more common reasons to be considered a Were is if you are deseased. Though having obtained much knowledge of medicane, they still have yet to find a cure for rabies or the crazies, as they call them. It isn't often contracted, there are messures taken to prevent this, but it doesn't stop every case. These Were's though few and far between, are completely thrown out of the clans left to wander the world outside of the Shifter borders.

    Outside of what is refered to as the clan monarch, shifters typically stay with their own subspecies. Though interaction between the group as an entiriaty does occur, there is not much to define order outside of the council of the clans. This group is made up of five monarchs, each one representing a group of subspecies. Joining together, their army is a massive impossition. Their unity makes a huge impact in the way they fight. Feircely loyal and friendly, these creatures may not be much to look at, but they should be feared.

    When a Shifter intends on starting a family, there is one blood moon every year that single males and females are forced to shift. On this night the males animal finds his mate by scent. Once a male has picked up the scent that attracts him the most, he chases the female until catching her, and subduing her. After which their bond is solidified. Though during the process, if another male happens along, they will often fight to the death, or if they rather, until one submits to the other. Thus a male may take more than one mate into his clan, by going out on the blood moon each year.

    Litters, or babies are rampent within the shifter borders. Not many dislike children, and should there be one orphaned typically it will be raised by the entire villiage.

    The night hours is a huge pull for shifters to allow their animals out, though they can control it most choose not to. The clans live in villiages, or communities, though a few choose to live full time animal often times these ones will not take up housing, but rather live off the land.

    The Dragons have a very peculiar sort of socialization method. Ussually they keep to their own families, though interaction with everyone is not uncommon. Strangely enough, often times their greetings are longer then the actual conversation they hold. Prone to flattery, and greed, these lizards have found that existance with out light is almost impossible for them. They too, like the shifters, roam at night, sleeping during the day to reguvenate themselves.

    Their nests are made up like a birds, though not in a tree, they prefer using mountain tops for their homes. Often they live clustered together for warmth and protection. They hold true to one leader, though every dragon does have a say in decissions made. The only ones shunned, are Serpants that have offended another Dragon, and lost the battle. These they call Serpents, lizards that are unfit to be a betterment to the community.

    Though very relaxed in their mating rituals. Every female dragon is required to attempt to have a child regardless of sexual preferance. Due to the extreme rarity of these, and the need to keep the Dragon race alive, this rule was deemed very reasonable by the early Dragons so that they should not go extinct.

      Current date/time is Fri May 10, 2024 7:42 am